Zest este un podcast despre plăcerea și uimirea de a scrie. Invitați sunt scriitori, jurnaliști, copywriteri, bloggeri și oricine scrie cu poftă și nu s-ar putea opri din asta nici dacă ar vrea. Gazdă: Sabina Varga / Identitate vizuală: Silviana Toader
Markus Zusak: A great story is the world we know, but as if seen for the first time
Markus Zusak is an Australian author of several books, including the international bestseller The Book Thief, which spent more than a decade on the New York Times bestseller list, has been translated into more than forty languages, and has also made it to the big screen.
Markus started writing at 16 and faced rejections and self-doubt before becoming an award-winning author. How was that process for him? He told us himself at FILIT Iași.
Listen for a funny, warm, inspirational conversation on what it takes to become and keep being a writer.
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